Chargement Évènements


24 juin 2022 | 19h00 - 21h00

Let us continue to surf on the beautiful and powerful energies of the Summer Solstice!


For this Gong Bath and Light Language Channeling event, our intention is to elevate our vibration and enter into resonance with the heartbeat of the Earth.


Summer season is about bringing our intentions into full bloom and expressing our unique colorful vibration. The many inner shifts we experienced in the last months and the new desires we feel bubbling inside are calling us into action. It is a time to embody and shine that new version of ourselves!


In this journey, we will offer you a sacred space in which you will be supported by the pulse of Mother Earth, the Gong and Light Language vibrations.


We will be working in ceremony with the earth element through deep grounding, drumming, aligning our own heartbeat with the pulse of Gaïaopening our Heart chakra to receive her wisdom and support and honoring her by returning her gift through movement and dance. Our body and mind will then be in the perfect state to receive the healing vibrations of the Gong and the Light Language.


We will close the space with a moment of sharing in circle, tea and snacks.



Practical information

Date: Friday, June 24th 2022

Time: From 19h to 21h

Location: Kak’Alom, Rue de Zurich 34, Geneva

Price: 60 CHF – payment upon registration

To register or if you have any questions, please send an email at


About your guides for this event


Kallia Apazoglou

Kallia is a Senior Researcher in Neuroscience, a Kundalini Yoga teacher and a Gong player. She is passionate about sharing the unique blend of teachings she received and experiences she made through her Yoga classes and Gong Bath sessions.

Delphine Blanc

Delphine is an intuitive energetic healer and a trained life coach and hypnotherapist. She channels light language, songs, and sound healing vibrations and holds sacred space for individuals and groups.


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Date :
24 juin 2022
Heure :
19h00 - 21h00
Catégorie d’Évènement:


Kak’Alom Studio
Rue de Zurich, 34
Genève, Suisse